perjantai 20. marraskuuta 2009

What's going on?


We've been relatively quiet these last few weeks, but boy have we got some big ideas bubbling in our minds.!

Emil and Eugene are busy working with the upcoming album (currently recording guitars and arranging horns and strings. Nice.) and the rest of us are busy promoting the new single - St. Petersburg. (If you haven't heard it yet, take a peek at the links at the end of this entry..)

And as if that isn't more than enough work alongside our studies and jobs, we're also planning on launching a line of Ballet -related merchandise! Yay!! Buttons, bags.. name it. So please be patient as we doodle around to find the perfect graphics for the band. It might take some time 'cause though we might sound great, it's important for us to look great too.

But wait! There's even more! For those of you who crave the old EPs (Parade, Parade & There Was A City Buried Here), we've got good news for you. The plan is to get both albums downloadable online AND (get ready..) probably for FREE! Yep, we've lost it. Both albums for free. No, we don't take creditcards nor cash, we're just giving them away. Aren't we sweet?



For all you hill people who still haven't heard our new single, here's the links:


iTunes Store


and be sure to join our Facebook group for updates on gigs, the upcoming album, our new merchandise and wotnot.

4 kommenttia:


    Toi videon lopussa esiintyvä bändin kapellimestari/perusfunkkaaja on vitun aito!

  2. Ootko Ville ajatellu ruveta käsikirjottaa ostos-TV:lle mainoksia?

    Enni :)

  3. Hehe, siinä ois kyllä ideaa..
